This site hold photos of my trips around the world
Land jeg har besøkt
Norway, Sweden, Denmark Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Greece, Equdorial-Guinea, Gabon, Morocco, Algeria, Thailand, Trinidad Tobago, Canada, America, China, Singapore, Borneo, Malaysia, Holland, France, Belgium, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italia, Albania, Yugoslavia, Iceland, Togo, Germany, Finland, Barbados, Australia, Tunis Faroe Island, Austria, Switzeland, Brazil, etc.
Country I have visit
Links to The World
Hallo and welcome to a new page from this site will hold photos and information from places, happening and other things on our way around the world.
Hallo og Velkommen til en ny side fra her vil det komme bilder fra plasser og begivenheter jeg og min og min familie har vert på i utlandet.
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